Tuesday, December 8, 2009

African American History, December 8

Today in African American history we discussed the characteristics of a good speaker and a good speech. We looked at examples of speeches from Martin Luther King, Jr, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush.
I also assigned a new assignment due of Thursday, December 10th. The assignment is to write and recite a 2-3 minute speech where you are running for either local or national office. You are to address three important issues to your campaign and what you plan to do about each issue. This is a public speaking grade and I expect everyone to recite their speech to receive credit for the assignment. There will be a prize for the best speech in each class. Good Luck!

Monday, December 7, 2009

World History

Today in World history we learned about chivalry. After reading the article How Homecoming is Losing Out to Hanging Out ( http://air.wsj.com/public/article_print/SB119387563623178398.html) we discussed if chivalry is dead in the 21st century.

African American History, December 7th

Today in African American history we looked at industrialization as it created a new middle class. The emergence of a middle class allowed provisions that limited voting to only landowners was lifted; all white male citizens could now vote. This angered the southerners who saw the northern voting base rise as a result.

We also looked at two laws that applied to African Americans of the North; the Black Laws and the Fugitive Slave Law. The Black laws restricted rights for African Americans in housing, voting, integration, employment, and residency. The Fugitive Slave Law allowed runaway slaves who were caught in the North to be returned to the south and handed back to the master. There were many incidents where free African Americans were kidnapped and forced into slavery as a result of the Fugitive Slave Law.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

African American History, December 3

Video: Slavery and the Making of America: Part 3: Seeds of Destruction

What did Harriet Jacobs call slavery? Why?

How many slave children did the doctor Norcum have? What did he do with the children?

What is the contradiction between a pastor and his wife and a slave and his master?

Why did slave owners introduce Christianity to their slaves?

What happened in 1831 to change slavery in the South?

Where was Nat Turner’s rebellion? What was his profession?

What happened when White people got ‘afraid?’ Why?

Why did Harriet decide to run away?

Who was the typical runaway? Why didn’t women run away?

Why did Thomas Jefferson believe that slavery was near its end? What changed that assumption?

What was the affect of the cotton gin on slavery?

What was the purpose of using a different language in slave auctions?

What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

What happened as the price of slaves increased?

What does it mean to be ‘sold down the river?’

How did slave owners view themselves during the ‘Cotton Kingdom?’ What professions did they take up in addition to owning plantations?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World History, December 1

We have spent the past two days working on timelines to compare and contrast the Byzantine, Russian, and Turkish civilizations. This was our first project grade of the quarter; all assignments should have been handed in (unless you were abesnt). We are going to spend tomorrow introducting the Middle Ages (pgs 352-357). Once we have completed the section, students will be expected to answer the following questions:

Name three effects if the Germanic Invasion?

What kind of new government arose during Rome’s decline?

What role did monasteries play during this period?

Who were Charles Martel and Pepin?

What was important about Charlemagne being crowned as emperor?